Friday, June 5, 2009

The ABC's of Skin Cancer

Things are heating up here in the northern hemisphere, so I wanted to remind everyone to take a moment and check over your skin and that of your loved ones. It could save a life!

When you are examining a mole, remember your ABC's:

A - asymmetry. If you divided the mole in half, does each side look different?

B - border. Does the mole have a ragged or irregular border?

C - color. Is the mole one color in one spot and a different color someplace else?

D - diameter. Is the mole larger than the end of a pencil eraser?

E - evolving. Is the mole changing over time?

And I would add this letter to the mix:

F - funky. Is the mole unusual-looking?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions, it's better to be safe than sorry and have the mole checked out by a dermatologist. Stay safe this summer and remember to use your sun-block! The American Academy of Dermatology reminds us to Play Sun Smart(SM).

Photo credit: C. E. Price, through

1 comment:

jublke said...

Thanks for stopping by, Skin Cancer Warning Signs.